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First of all, here's a question that came up at work.

Is there any Thanksgiving song other than Over the River and Through the Woods...?

My husband mentioned "Alice's Restaurant" by Arlo Guthrie. How could I forget? We have listened to it on many a long road trip on Thanksgiving. And honestly Thanksgiving is the ONLY day I hear it. Take a listen (it goes on and on and on...honestly I have no idea what the song is about. I always drift off and am thankful when it's finally OVER. But apparently you can get anything you want at Alice's Restaurant.)

If you know of any other Thanksgiving songs share below,

Here is a suggested kitchen playlist to cook by from npr. Songs for Stuffing

Turkey day just isn't the traditional Rockwellian day it used to be what with the Skype and tofurkey. Read Kim Ode's article: Not your grandma's Thanksgiving.

Taste Editor Lee Svitak Dean assures you everything will be okay. Keep it simple you'll find her recommended Thanksgiving recipes here.

Ah, the Thanksgiving table can also provide a heaping helping of family dynamics with a side of underlying tension. Here is some good advice from Real Simple: 10 Things to Say to Keep the Peace.

I'll never forget the time my mom called the Butterball hotline with a Turkey emergency. Here is the Food Repair article from How to Repair Thanksgiving


Don't forget to pick up enough copies of the Star Tribune for everyone at the kiddie table.

It's the 32nd annual Oh You Turkey Coloring Contest You'll find it on the front of tomorrow's Variety. It will keep the short set occupied , happy and away from the giblets!

( I know, I know shameless plug but it's a fun tradition for so many.)


And me? I'm most thankful for the little things....

Thing 1

Thing 2


(Travel safely!)