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The weather did not pose any problems for Tuesday commuters, but a late-rush hour crash and a stall on eastbound 94 in Minneapolis did. The incidents occurred around 8:20 a.m. at Olson Hwy. and LaSalle Avenue.

A wreck at LaSalle caused delays for drivers from 7th Street past the scene. Eastbound 394 drivers are feeling the effects at Penn Avenue. That crash has just cleared.

Travel times grew to about 30 minutes on southbound 35W from the Forest Lake Split to downtown Minneapolis following a crash at Hennepin Avenue. That has traffic well below the posted speeds for the middle portion of the rush. Commuters on westbound Hwy. 36 also saw sluggish conditions.

Aside from some minor congestion on the Bloomington Ferry Bridge, commuters in the south metro sailed right along while east metro motroists ran into the usual congestion on westbound 94 from Johnson Pkwy. to downtown St. Paul.

Accidents seemed to be confined to the west side of the metro. A couple smashups on the Crosstown eastbound and northbound 35W slowed traffic between 7 and 7:45 a.m.

No hassles or delays were reported on Metro Transit buses or trains. Other suburban transit providers also were running on time.

Questions about Twin Cities traffic? Send them my way. I answer reader questions in my weekly column on Mondays in the Star Tribune and here on the blog. Comments and inquiries can be sent to or leave a comment here.