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When I pull into the harbor parking lot, it's empty. Which by default means I'm first? I'll do the choosing, I'll decide where I go, and where the next guy, does not go. I have the power this morning. I paid for it because I got up at three in the very dark, very early, morning. It will be at least an hour before the first hint of a sunrise is visible this morning, and it will be another twenty minutes after that, before legal fishing time can occur. I don't think in a day of my work living, I've been more awake or alert than any five early morning fishing minutes, and today is no exception, its cold, it crisp and there is no wind. The big pond is a hushed baby. I got here first, so I have the spot; the best spot in the harbor for catching fish. Where I fish, the early bird don't get the worm, the trout or salmon do, and today I'm do, and I'm much earlier, than any of the other shore birds that fish here on a regular basis. I got here half an hour ago, finished my first cup of coffee when I heard another vehicle pull up. The engine was turned off; the parking lot went black, then a flicker of a flashlight as I heard the familiar sound of a truck door slamming. Then, the shuffling towards me grew louder. In the dark, my sense of humor wanted to let him get real close, then I'd flick my headlamp on and scare the bee geebers out of him, but I didn't. I just flipped the switch, beamed it his way, he stopped, I flipped it back off, and he veered off towards a second best pile of rocks. I know what that guys thinking, and I don't know that guy from Adam, but I know, he knows, this is the spot, I have it, and he don't, and for the rest of the morning, it's gonna bug him today, like it bugged me yesterday. A few minutes ago I wanted to tease my unknown fishing brethren, and now, I sort of feel bad for him. When my thermos was just about empty the legal part of the day was met with my car-hart bundled hopeful body tossing a 5/8th ounce spoon of Little Cleo creator's imagination into that placid sheet of water. It paid to get there early. The trout whisperer