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Re: Chris Riemenschneider's 12 reasons to not watch "American Idol"

I truly enjoyed your critique of "American Idol." But I want to let you know that there really are some of us out here who know how to turn off the TV and walk away when the offerings are not to our taste. I have never watched one episode of "Idol" and don't ever intend to. We may very well have to put up with God only knows how many more seasons of a show that is truly one of the most banal ever put on TV (unless you are counting "Deal or No Deal"). Thank you for a well-written article. Maybe a few readers will take it to heart.

SALLY BYSTROM Frontenac, Minn.

Re: Rohan Preston's review of "Peer Gynt" at the Guthrie Theater

I liked your review as you saw many of the same problems I did and the Guthrie should certainly be held to task for staging this play in this manner. This was the worst theater experience in my life, at any level. On preview night, the Guthrie perhaps set a new low in Twin Cities professional theater when the Troll King had to read his lines from a sheaf of papers he was holding in his hand.

The sound was terrible. Many of the lines recited by the lead were inaudible or mumbled. The script was horrendous. Much of it seemed as if [play adapter Robert] Bly wanted to rewrite "Iron John." I could be wrong, but I am pretty sure the word "bitch" was not in Ibsen's original. Most of the actors did the best they could with the material written for them. Let's hope the Guthrie learns from this.


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