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Earlier this week, the World Wildlife Fund came out with some startling numbers: The earth has lost 50 percent of its wildlife in the last 40 years. Due to climate change, exploitation, habitat loss, and habitat degradation—such as deforestation for palm oil and other materials—wildlife is declining at an alarming pace.

Some species of marine and land animal populations have fallen between 40 and 80 percent since 1970, with the most drastic decline seen in developing nations where rainforests and oceans have been wiped near clean due to global food demand and a lack of conservation efforts.

In a nutshell: From trees to fish to water, we're sucking up the world's resources faster than ever before. And no magic wand or Noah's Ark is going to replace it.

From the Guardian:

What do you think your global footprint is? What is your average rate of consumption? 1 earth? 2 earths? 4 earths? You might be surprised. Check out this footprint calculator from the WWF. It's a five-minute test that shows you the impact your living habits have on your footprint. (Note: This is for the UK, but you can still get a snapshot of your impact.) If the world were full of "mes", we would use a shameful 3.0 planets, or twice as much as the rest of the world, which is way more than I expected.

You can also use this calculator from the Global Footprint Network to measure how many earths it takes to support your lifestyle, but one caveat: The avatar and music are annoying. Still, it's short, and worth it for the revelation.