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Have you ever wanted to brew but didn't want to clean up the mess? If this is the case then you will want to head over to Vine Park Brewery in St. Paul and make sure to bring an entourage. One would think that there would be more places like this around but Vine Park Brewery is the only place in our area that offers the exciting experience of brewing on premise and they have been doing so since 1995. This is a great way to entertain business clients, spend time with friends and family, or even bond with your wedding party by creating your own stash of brews to be shared with your favorite people on the big day.

Here's how it works: You will need to schedule a time and date to assure that there are kettles open. On the scheduled date you will meet a brewing coach who will help your group choose the recipe that you will be making and help measure all the ingredients prior to brewing. Expect this process to take about 2 hours.

The fermentation process takes a couple of weeks so the bottling date for your group will be exactly two weeks from brewing date. Here you will fill and cap the bottles of beer that your troupe will soon be taking home. There is nothing quite like tasting a beer that you have made with your own hands and it's even better when this experience is shared with others.

Below are the prices and keep in mind that part of the cost is the convenience of not having to buy the instruments or clean it up like you would if you were at home:

Batch of Beer: $145 to $195 makes 72 bottles (22oz bottles)

Beer Bottles: (22 oz) 80 cents each or about 58 dollars per batch

Growlers: $5 (one-time fee) for the empty container and $12 to fill it with beer

Logo Glass: $5

T- Shirt/Logo Cap: $18 each

You will want to be sure to check the hours of the brewery and keep in mind that nights and weekends are the hardest time to schedule your big brew day. Brewing is a fine balance between science and art so express yourself and enjoy the camaraderie. Cheers!