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Sunday Minnesotan Ashley Trainer may not have been the last remaining castaway, but she will get a chance to reunite with her tribe for the always thrilling yet bloated season finale of "Survivor: Samoa" (7 p.m., WCCO, Ch. 4). Somewhere during the three-hour festival, there should be a tribute to Samoa itself, a land millions of Americans will go back to ignoring on Monday.

Monday NBC's experimental talent show comes to a merciful end with the two-hour finale of "The Sing-Off" (7 p.m., KARE, Ch. 11). At the very least, the a cappella contestants -- and we -- get treated to performances from Boyz II Men and Bobby McFerrin, former creative chair of the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra. Five minutes after the credits roll, look for host Nick Lachey to be back in the unemployment line.

Tuesday I'll always treasure my comic book in which Superman battles Spider-Man, and I can't forget the classic matchup of Daffy Duck and Donald Duck in "Who Framed Roger Rabbit," but I had completely forgotten that two of Dr. Seuss' most beloved characters once faced off. Take a trip down memory lane with the rebroadcast of the 1982 special "The Grinch Grinches the Cat in the Hat" (7 p.m., ABC Family).

Wednesday I doubt David Letterman will be buying gifts for his alleged blackmailer or Sarah Palin, but "The Late Show With David Letterman" (10:35 p.m., WCCO, Ch. 4) is once again willing to hand out its annual presents to viewers: Darlene Love's rocking rendition of "Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)" and Jay Thomas' tale of his adventures with the Lone Ranger.

Thursday It's a night full of holiday specials -- annoying news for those desperate for anything that doesn't feature a children's choir or a cheery Santa. So what's the most non-Christmas Eve special in TV land? We searched high and low and came up with "Tarantulas and Their Venomous Relations" (7 p.m., Science Channel), featuring the rarest creature in the world, a spider from Ecuador. You're welcome, Scrooges!