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Q: We're new to cats. What should we know about keeping ours safe?

A: Prevention is key. Here's my best advice on keeping them safe and healthy.

  • Don't let your cat roam outdoors. Free-roaming cats are at risk of getting lost or closed in a neighbor's garage or shed; hit by a car crossing the street or run over in your driveway because you didn't see them; attacked or killed by a coyote or a neighbor's loose dog. They also are vulnerable to infection or disease from fighting with another cat. If you want your cats to experience the pleasures of being outdoors, build a catio — a porchlike structure where they can safely be outside.
  • Inside the house, always check inside your dishwasher, clothes washer and dryer before starting them. Cats love to get inside enclosed spaces, especially if they're warm, like the dryer. I know of too many instances where people started these appliances without realizing their cat was inside.
  • Cats love toys with a lure dangling from a string. They're great for providing a cat with exercise, but put them away when playtime is over. Cats often swallow strings, yarn, thread and the plastic ties around newspapers, to name just a few of the linear objects that can cause obstructions and require surgical intervention. Don't leave out knitting, sewing or craft supplies that might look like playthings to your cat — and face it, everything looks like a toy to a cat.

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