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I woke up to countless emails advertising Cyber Monday sales. And I'm pretty confident my inbox will be filled with day- after Cyber Monday sales tomorrow and the-day-after-the-day-after Cyber Monday sale, and the 26-days-before-Christmas sale and on and on.

It's a tough time of year to be a consumer without willpower. Even a consumer with a fair amount of the stuff might be tempted with rock bottom prices and low shipping. Consumer groups don't call tomorrow Red Tuesday for nothing (Get it? Red as in debt from all the spending on Black Friday?).

My right index-finger is sore from deleting dozens of messages from retailers.

My solution? Unsubscribe. Unsubscribe. Unsubscribe.

I know, I know. I might miss out on some killer coupon codes. But I have deal overload.

Unsubscribing from unwanted e-mail lists is a pain in the you-know-what. It's time consuming, and some companies bury the unsubscribe link, as if they knew there would be a mass exodus if only consumers could find the darn link.

How do you handle unwanted email?

Another way is to mark emails as spam and hope the filter catches them, or set up rules to send merchant e-mails to a certain folder.

Or you could use a service such as I've never tried it, but LifeHacker gives it a brief review.

I am waging a similar war with the catalogs that are coming to my doorstep. Fortunately, saying "no thanks" to catalogs is as easy as heading to Catalog Choice.