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I told you Lance Lawson would make the transition to the new blog, and voila: here's you're proof. Since we have a limited number of LL strips, you may see some repeats from time to time. So? I've spent hours scanning, tweaking, cleaning and resizing these things, and I still don't remember them all.

For those joining us late: Lance Lawson was a daily strip in the Star for a few years in the late 40s. It had two phases, with two artists; we emphasize the latter period, which established Lance as we know him. There's Tiny, his dimwitted but dedicated uniformed officer; there's Lori, his newspaper girlfriend; there's . . . well, that's about it. Aside from Doris.

This is one of the big Sunday strips. We'll run weekly strips again soon enough. Go here; add your solutions in the comments. The answer will be posted later this afternoon, around 5 or so. See you then! (Note: depending on your browser, you may have to click on the image to embiggen it.)