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Republican Donald Trump shocked the world with his Election Day victory, narrowly defeating heavy favorite Democrat Hillary Clinton.

Trump managed to attract legions of unexpected voters, flipping counties and states -- throughout the United States, but especially in the heartland -- into his column, and upsetting Clinton in a handful of crucial battleground states where pre-election polling had placed her in the lead.

Those tremors were felt in Minnesota too, a traditional Democratic stronghold that almost flipped Republican but went for Clinton by just one percentage point.

While the electoral college margin was wider, Trump won battleground states vital to his victory by extremely thin margins.

As politicians, news organizations, pollsters, forecasters, pundits and the populace pick up the pieces to try understanding Trump's historic and unprecedented win, there are a dozen or so key takeaways for the country and Minnesota based on election data.

Sources: Associated Press, Minnesota Secretary of State, various other secretaries of state, Star Tribune analysis