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Secret to success: make music for kids that parents can hear for the 257th time without vowing to hunt down everyone involved and give them a wedgie so hard they'll tiptoe for a week. The Wiggles are celebrating 20 years:

That always cracked me up: Wags. Barks was already taken, was it? Well, you can't hate them. You can't. Dora the Explorer can induce sudden insanity (it's the MAP it's the MAP it's the MAP it's the MAP) and Barney, we know, deserves to have cement blocks tied around his neck and shoved into the LaBrea Tar Pits, but the Wiggles' musical numbers rarely had that gooey-sweet cutesey-wootsey style you find in so much kid's music. Their cover of "Hot Potato" is DEFINITIVE. And "Fruit Salad" sounds like middle-period Squeeze.

On the other hand . . . they also come in puppet form. Prepare yourself.