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NEW YORK — Programmed as a playful substitute to "The Interview," Trey Parker and Matt Stone's North Korea comedy "Team America: World Police" also has been pulled from theaters.

After Sony dropped its planned Dec. 25 release of "The Interview" on Wednesday, a handful of theaters across the U.S. plugged in screenings of "Team America," the 2004 puppet film that parodies former North Korea leader Kim Jong Il.

Cleveland's Capitol Theatre said its long-planned "Team America" screening was canceled Thursday by Paramount Pictures, the studio that released the film. The theater had booked the film in October, intending it as a 10th anniversary midnight showing.

Texas' Alamo Drafthouse said it had to pull its plans to screen "Team America" on Dec. 27 "due to circumstances beyond our control." The chain's theater in Richardson, Texas, had advertised the screening as a show of support for freedom.

"The film was pulled from release," said Alamo Drafthouse spokeswoman Brandy Fons.

A spokesperson for Paramount declined to comment.

Sony Pictures on Wednesday canceled the release of the Seth Rogen, James Franco comedy "The Interview" amid terrorist threats by a hacking group believed to be connected to North Korea. Sony says it has no plans to release "The Interview."