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hotel check-in

Sleep like a duchess in Baltimore

At the Hotel Brexton, a turreted property in Baltimore's Mount Vernon neighborhood, you won't find a pea under the mattress or elsewhere in the elegant room, a style befitting onetime resident Wallis Warfield Simpson, a k a the Duchess of Windsor. You will discover free breakfast in the basement dining room, a sweeping spiral staircase that leads to two suites named after the duchess and her duke, the former King Edward VIII, and plenty of space beneath the 15-foot-high ceilings to toss your tiara into the air (rooms from $99, including breakfast; 1- 443-478-2100;

washington post

deal of the week

Bahamian bargain

Stay five nights or longer at a Squires Estate property on Eleuthera Island in the Bahamas and receive a free three-night return stay in the same villa. Initial visit must take place Jan. 1 through April 26, with return stay permitted Oct. 1 through Nov. 22 in 2014 or 2015. A five-night stay ranges from $875 for the junior cottage at Belmont, which sleeps two, to $2,375 for the three-bedroom Mrs. Russel's House, which sleeps six. Add taxes of 16 percent. Value of the free stay ranges from about $540 to $1,530; guest must pay taxes. Deal is based on availability (1-413-588-6060;

washington post