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Like most folks, I want a flatter tummy for those vacation photos. And until today, I thought the only way to get one was to pass on the Mackinac Island Fudge ice cream. Turns out, all I really need to do is get a professional photographer -- one with a Photoshopping heavy hand -- to memorialize my next family trip. The Wall Street Journal today reports that travelers are booking professional photographers in increasing numbers to capture vacation memories. Cost begins at around $100/hour, but can be as much as $800/hour.

One photo from such a shoot that appeared in the print edition of the July 5 WSJ showed a family at Epcot Center--barefooted. Really? Walking those cobblestone streets all day with no tennis shoe as a buffer could ruin your vacation, or at least your feet. Oh well, reality doesn't count as much as pretty pictures, when a few passes of the computer mouse can render cloudy skies blue and fat thighs thin. It seems as though social media--and a good dose of vanity--are fueling the trend. Lots of people post the shots on their facebook pages.

True, there's suddenly no need to carry a camera or worry about photo technique. No more one-sided shots, with your spouse basking in the gorgeous sunset while you're stuck behind the shutter.

Still, who are these people who turn over hours of vacation and hundreds of dollars to a photo shoot? Personally, I'd rather be snorkeling.