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Pawlenty needs to negotiate solutions As an elementary principal, I found Gov. Pawlenty's unallotment last year particularly frustrating. Over half of the budget deficit was erased by delaying payments to schools like mine.

Gov. Pawlenty has continually tried to push aside problems and has failed to bear any share of the responsibility for the issues facing our state. Cuts to education are yet another example of this penchant for political expedience rather than leadership or vision.

The true impact of underfunding our children's development will not be felt for years, and the harsh realities will certainly not come until Gov. Pawlenty is long gone from Summit Avenue. To make this choice is cowardly. However, to make it without daring to negotiate with state legislators or hold open debate is unacceptable.

I was pleased to see last week that the state Supreme Court held Gov. Pawlenty accountable for his actions. While we may differ on the policies that will best shape our state or on the best way to get by when money is tight, we should all be able to agree that these decisions are too important to be left up to any single person with unchecked power.



College blues set in for rising senior Was there ever a point in time where getting a college degree actually meant something significant? Like you were, I don't know, smart? Or talented in something?

I'm convinced that in order to succeed in life, you'd be smarter not even going to college at all!

"Gasp," you say?

It's true! I am not proud to say that I attend one of the fabulous "design" schools that are in the Twin Cities: An institute that thought it would try to cram as many programs into one school as it can.

Who knew a tech school also knows what it takes to teach photography, game design, massage therapy and medical assisting?

I'm a single term from graduation with a Bachelor of Science degree, majoring in photography. There are students in my classes who don't know the difference between "copy" and "paste." These fantastic students also are almost proud holders of degrees, with $70,000 in debt and not one creative bone in their body or a single useful skill for the creative world.

They have been told for three straight years things like "I like your photo. It's nice. The lighting is contrast-y." And now they will go into the photography field with no clue of what's to come.

I feel ripped off. I didn't get an education. I lost a ton of money and time.

Hooray for the education system.

This needs change.

OK, Obama, ready? Go.