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WASHINGTON -- Minnesota Republicans are generally skeptical of the tentative nuclear agreement with Iran. Democrats are generally responsive to it. A few members are holding out until they read the whole 100-page document.

Some statements released today:

Sen. Al Franken: "In the days to come, I will have to review the deal closely. Obviously, a diplomatic resolution to Iran's nuclear program is preferable to military action. I hope that the deal will verifiably block Iran from developing a nuclear weapon."

Sen. Amy Klobuchar: "I strongly supported the sanctions that helped bring Iran to the negotiating table. Now that an agreement has been reached, Congress has a solemn duty to thoroughly review it before making a decision."

Republican Rep. John Kline: "The agreement as presented by the Administration removes permanent sanctions and provides billions of relief for the world's largest state sponsor of terrorism in exchange for a temporary delay of Iran's nuclear activities without any real accountability ... I am greatly concerned this agreement will further instability and legitimize the Iranian regime. I will be closely reviewing the details of the agreement, however no deal is better than a bad deal."

Democrat Rep. Keith Ellison: "The historic agreement reached today proves the power of engagement over isolation — we can choose peace over war ... . In the coming weeks, the focus will be on the U.S. Congress to see if Republicans take this deal away from the world. We will stop those who want to push us closer to war."

Democrat Rep. Rick Nolan: "An agreement with Iran to prevent development of nuclear weapons is clearly preferable to doing nothing while Iran continues to develop nuclear weapons, or worse yet, launching a new war in the Middle East that would cost trillions of dollars and thousands of precious lives ... the agreement is more than 150 pages long, and I want to study it carefully before making a final judgment."

Republican Rep. Erik Paulsen: "The deal announced by the administration today fails to achieve even one of these benchmarks and in a shocking turn of events, also includes lifting the U.N. Arms Embargo -- something that makes a bad deal even worse. I can't in good faith support an agreement that fails to even meet the minimum standards outlined by the administration at the beginning of this process."

Democrat Rep. Betty McCollum: "Denying Iran the ability to continue to develop a nuclear weapon with this verifiable agreement is a diplomatic triump which enhances U.S. and global security. This agreement is the only alternative to an escalating, dangerous nuclear arms race that threatens the security of the American people."

Democrat Rep. Tim Walz: "The administration and our allies should be commended for their tireless work, the people, through their elected representatives in Congress, will have the final say. We cannot accept a bad deal, nor can we allow ideology to undermine a good one. Congress must act in good faith, make the hard choices, and do the job we were elected to do."

*No statements from Democratic Rep. Collin Peterson's office or Republican Rep. Tom Emmer's office