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The Minnesota Senate will meet Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, but not convene on a rare Saturday session as initially planned, Majority Leader Tom Bakk said Tuesday.

Bakk's Tuesday floor announcement, likely met with a sigh of relief by staffers, follows initial plans for the body to meet on the weekend to pass its budget measure. They'll likely do it Monday instead.

The announcement followed a notification from the Senate information office that a Saturday session would occur. That message was rescinded 20 minutes later.

Some of this week's floor sessions could prove lengthy.

On Thursday, the Senate plans to take up DFL Sen. Scott Dibble's controversial anti-bullying legislation. The bill has sparked lengthy debate between advocates and lawmakers in opposition who say it goes too far to protect certain classes of children.

On Wednesday afternoon, DFL Sen. Susan Kent, a supporter of the measure, will host a "Twitter townhall," whereby Minnesotans with questions about the bullying bill can join a discussion about it using the hashtag #SafeSchoolsMN. Kent, a supporter of the measure, will start the discussion at 2 p.m.