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• The testimony of a Republican election official whom Norm Coleman's lawyers want to question about alleged double-counting of ballots was interrupted again Friday over revelations that e-mails between her and the lawyers haven't been properly disclosed to Al Franken's attorneys. The three-judge panel, which struck Pamela Howell from the case on Wednesday and reinstated her Thursday, is again reconsidering whether to let her take the stand.

• Lawyers debated Coleman's motion to have the court apply its strict standards for accepting new absentee ballots to all absentee votes cast in the election -- some 286,000. Franken's lawyers say that the Coleman side is raising the issue too late and that there is no way to remove votes already tallied. Coleman's side says the court bears the responsibility to treat all votes alike.

• A Duluth city attorney told the court that Al Franken should fairly compensate a Duluth official lawyers want to call as a witness. Franken's team says it is paying all the compensation the law requires.


• The trial resumes at 9 a.m. Monday