Columnist | Your Money

Ross Levin is founding principal and president of Accredited Investors Inc., Edina, a fee-only wealth management firm. His Gains and Losses column runs on the fourth Sunday of the month. A compilation of these columns can be found in his book, "Spend Your Life Wisely." Send emails to

Consider the process, not just results, when making financial decisions

A good outcome with a bad process is simply luck.

Couples should plan, and dream, about money together

If one person makes the decisions, they could be short-sighted and also devastating to the other.

Advice to graduates: Seek work-life harmony, not balance

If you want to have a career rather than a job, forget about work-life balance and embrace work-life harmony, which is recognizing at different times in your life, you will have to work harder at the expense of other values and vice versa.

How do you know when you have enough money?

Having enough is not an amount. It is a perspective.

Eliminating emotional behaviors leads to sounder financial decisions

The work of recently passed Nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman helps illuminate how emotions can interfere with rational decisionmaking.

Assuage your money stress through family communication

What you can do that has proven useful in harnessing the money beast.

Don't let fear of financial regret deter you from a fulfilling life

Financial planners help their clients see what is possible while balancing living today and preparing for tomorrow. But not knowing how many tomorrows you have can create too much emphasis on an uncertain future.

What the Minnesota Twins can teach you about managing money

As a middle-market MLB team, the Twins have a lot in common with the average person trying to spend and save optimally.

Over-preparing for the recession that wasn't

It appears that a full-blown recession has been avoided, but the cost of this for investors has been potentially being too conservative too soon.

Should an election year change your stock market strategy?

Elections matter for policy reasons, which can impact corporate profits, which can impact companies' values, which can impact one's moves on the stock market.