Reporter | Features

Richard Chin is a feature reporter with the Star Tribune in Minneapolis. He has been a longtime Twin Cities-based journalist who has covered crime, courts, transportation, outdoor recreation and human interest stories.

As a feature reporter, Richard Chin has flown on the Goodyear Blimp, driven the Wienermobile, sunk to the bottom of a lake in a one-man submarine, worn a giant urine specimen cup costume as a mascot for a health care company, rode a vintage Puch at the Sturgis of mopeds and was mistakenly arrested by police hunting for a serial killer. He also spent six weeks in Baghdad during the Iraq war and was a Knight Journalism Fellow at Stanford University.

What's the latest light show in town? Fireflies at the Arboretum.

Conditions are just right this soggy midsummer to see the quiet magic in after-hours viewings.

Flooding results in a visit to Valleyfair by kayak

Three local paddlers visited the amusement park — part of which is closed to visitors — without ever touching land.

Fake 'baseball radio ASMR' podcast with deep Minnesota roots wants to help you sleep

It's boring. It's imaginary. And it's designed to make you nod off — or at least relax.

'Research corndog, do not eat': World's first genetic sequencing of a corn dog to take place at the State Fair

University of Minnesota researchers will use a fair staple to drive interest in a real scientific study.

Minneapolis dog masseuse shows how to rub your pup the right way

A massage does more than just pamper an aging dog. It can help keep it active and relaxed and help you bond.

What is a St. Paul sandwich, and why can't you get one in St. Paul?

The sandwich, which has been named Top 10 in the country, has a convoluted backstory and a surprisingly good taste.

T-Wolves tips: How to ride the Minnesota sports roller coaster

This team has us going up and down and spinning around. How should we handle this week? Here are some tips.

St. Paul's Arborators play in the treetops: 'We're the world's only tree-climbing brass band'

They play traditional polkas, waltzes and marches in unusual locations — like the tops of trees.

University of Minnesota bug experts say we should be eating insects

Find out why we should opt for six-legged snacks at the "Minnsect Show" this weekend.

This Star Tribune reporter didn't even survive the audition for 'Survivor'

After a few hours in line at the Minneapolis Convention Center, he bailed. But hundreds of others who stuck it out never got to audition for the reality TV show.