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Stillings has dropped his stick and gloves. No, he's not in a hockey fight. He has just swapped them for his lacrosse equipment. The defenseman on the Lightning boys' hockey team serves as a midfielder on the lacrosse squad. Here is a closer look at Stillings:

The best movie I've seen in the last year? "The Green Berets."

Three words my friends or teammates might use to describe me? Funny, nice and knowledgeable.

Three songs I never skip on my iPod are … "Beautiful People" by Chris Brown; "Papercut" by Linkin Park; and "Reload" by Sebastian Ingrosso.

At my first varsity practice, I felt … scared to get hit by Jake Rudrud [a senior on the lacrosse team in 2011].

What is your goal for the lacrosse season? Compete for another lacrosse state championship.

What is your most memorable moment as a high school athlete? Playing in the state tournament for hockey [2013], and winning a state championship in lacrosse [2012].

If you could change one thing about high school sports, what would it be? I would change the fact that there are certain periods during the offseason that coaches can't coach players. I think they should be able to coach year-round.

In 10 years, I hope I'm … a successful adult with a job, and giving back to the community in some way, shape or form.

What is the best sports advice you ever received? "Just shoot the ball low. It's that simple." — Eastview assistant coach Colin Achenbach