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Democratic U.S. Rep. Collin Peterson of Minnesota's Seventh Congressional District has $819,000 banked for his re-election camapign against Republican Lee Byberg.

Peterson, the lead Democrat on the House Agriculture Committee, has pulled in more than 80 percent of his contributions from political action committees, most of them with ties to agriculture.

Through the end of March, Byberg listed one contribution from a political action committee: the Alexandria Lakes Area Team Party donated $100 to his campaign last March for a speech he delivered.

Peterson raised roughly $191,000 during the months of April, May and June, about $3,000 more than he did during the same period of the 2010 election cycle.

Byberg has yet to submit his most recent campaign finance report. He also challenged Peterson in the 2010 election, a contest he lost by nearly 18 percentage points.