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"Since my friend Nick played me this band when I was 15, I've loved 'em. They get better every record. Sometimes it's way-simple rock, sometimes it's jaggy and messy, but the production and the feeling behind it [are] always way too good. Tons of great drums."

At the Drive-In

"One of the first bands that made me feel not only like I should probably dance, but I should dance really hard like nobody's looking. They went from kind of a boring postpunk rock band on their first record to, in my opinion, one of the most progressive by the time they broke up."


"'The Shape of Punk to Come' is my favorite hard-core record. So completely ahead of its time, even now, when keyboards and samples are commonplace in hard-core. Nothing comes close to its originality. The fact that the records they made before this one are not half as good just makes this one that much better."


Mos Def

"My all-time favorite rapper's gotta be Mos Def. Classic style. You can hear the smile on his face when he raps. Or the frown, or scowl. Just flows forever. Even if he's not your favorite, it's nearly impossible not to like him."

Company Flow/ El-P

"Rhymesayers and Interlock let me know hip-hop could happen in any city and be fresh. Company Flow let me know it could sound like the meaner, louder, noisy stuff I was more used to."

Wu-Tang Clan

"I got into 'Wu-Tang Forever' more than I got into the '36 Chambers' record. ... 'Forever' is waaay too long, but something about the soundscape feel of it made me pay more attention to the MCs. Just verses over beats. Way open. Lots of kept mistakes. Lots to learn from, production-wise."