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With doorbusters, you're promised an incredible deal if you crawl out of bed in the middle of the night, shiver in the parking lot until they unlock the doors, and then fight and claw your way through the rabid crowds to the stack of discounted DVD players, or flat-screen TVs, or Tickle-Me-Elmos. And then where are you? Disheveled, sleep-deprived, slashed with claw marks from the other shoppers. And, for goodness' sake, there's always the chance you could be killed. Who needs this? Stay home. Stay in bed. Get your sleep. The stuff will be there in the full light of day, even if the cheap prices aren't.


Heading into the holiday season, we are surrounded by noise -- Muzak carols, cash registers beeping, car horns honking in crowded parking lots, frustrated shoppers shouting into their cell phones ("They're out of it, I tell you! I can't find one anywhere!"). You could plug your ears. Or you could find a lovely noise. How about the Rose Ensemble of Early Music? With their hushed and soothing Sunday evening vespers, and their lute-and-viola-de-gamba concerts, beautiful voices soaring toward the Basilica ceiling, and their candlelit concerts of the deep dark of February -- aaaahhh. Now that is a noise for the season.