Baillie Christina Cowan (Bruce), age 85, of Roseville, passed away on December 29, 2002. For Chris, family was everything. A small woman with a beautiful smile, who always found fun in life, and was incurably optimistic and determined. Courageous in illness. Her parents born in Scotland, source for the wonderful shortbread recipe. Born October 3, 1917 in Detroit. Marriage in 1941 to David F. Baillie, later USAF Lt. Colonel, and posted all over the country during the war years until settling with his family in Albert Lea, MN, when he was sent overseas. In Roseville since 1951. Widowed in 1966. Retired in 1982 as an officer of North Star Bank, where she remained a well-known welcoming face to many of its customers. Preceded in death by husband, David; daughter, Christina (Morgan), and two baby sons. Survived by sons, John (Peg Guilfoyle) and David (Andrea); sister, Jenny (Briggs) of Gross Isle, MI; son-in-law, Richard Morgan; grandchildren, John, Maggie, Dirk, Amanda, David, Nina (Morgan), Renae (Morgan), Scott (Halldorson), and great-grandchildren. The family wishes to thank Chris's many friends for all their support of her independence, which she treasured until the end. Funeral Service (TODAY) 11 AM at The Roseville Memorial Chapel (2245 N. Hamline Av, Rsvl) 651-631-2727. Interment Fort Snelling National Cemetery.