Lynn Morris Elling Lynn Morris Elling

Elling, Lynn Morris Lynn Morris Elling passed away peacefully February 14, four days before his 95th birthday. Lynn was preceded in death by his wife Donna Ann Moen, his best friend and soul mate for more than 68 years. Lynn is survived by his five children: Cindy Sheffield, Sandy Curry (Rick), Mike Elling (Dawn), Rick Elling (Ruth) and Tod Elling (JoAnn) along with ten grandchildren, nine great-grandchildren. Lynn was bigger than life, a World Citizen, living each day committed to his Driving Dream as a peacemaker. He breathed life into his vision of a world without war and saw every human being as a cherished citizen on this "spaceship earth". Each day was a new opportunity to tell his story to anyone who would listen. Lynn graduated from the University of Minnesota. He was also an officer in the U.S. Navy. Lynn founded World Citizen Inc. in 1972, a non-profit organization for global acceptance of interdependence and peace, global education, celebration of diversity, caring for the environment, and declaring schools, churches and other public buildings international peace sites. Lynn always believed as Mahatma Gandhi once so eloquently said, "If we are to reach real peace in the world, we shall begin with the children." Lynn was also proud of his role as co-founder of the Peace Prize Festivals at Augsburg College in 1996, which are annual events involving more than 1000 students from the state of Minnesota. Lynn was hopeful that this organization and its mission will continue on to promote peace for many, many years to come. Lynn authored the MN Declaration of World Citizenship in 1968 which was signed in 1971. He also authored the Minnesota Declaration of Interdependence, signed by Minnesota's governor in 1976. This document became the template for many other key leaders as they joined his peacemaking journey. Lynn was honored to receive a "State of Minnesota Outstanding Peacemaker and Citizen Award" by the Governor. He was proud to be a World Citizen and wanted everyone to share in his mission. Lynn traveled the world with Donna, seeking out like-minded individuals of influence that included governors, legislators, school superintendents, CEOs, Nobel Peace Prize laureates, university presidents and of special note, President Jimmy Carter, Prime Minister Margret Thatcher, John Denver and President Tito of Yugoslavia. Lynn work-ed tirelessly, well into his 90s, demonstrating his natural gift for convincing people about his passions. He spent his 42-year-career with the Lincoln National Life - a perfect fit. His family was always at his core and he was glad to have them all still living in Minnesota. Family celebrations and gatherings were always of great importance to him. Another great love was his cabin on Big Sandy Lake, where his family lived each summer. His favorite playmates were his grandchildren for penny poker at the cabin with OOKY BUKS, a special grandpa thing. Lynn was especially proud of his Swedish heritage and remained active with the Svenska Salstoppet, Universalist Church and Alpha Kappa Psi fraternity. He also loved music, dancing, poker and CNN. Lynn's love and enthusiasm for life will be greatly missed. We love you and will miss you. We know you are back with mom, the love of your life. A celebration of his life will be held at the Universalist Church on May 1st at 3:00 pm. Lynn always celebrated this very special day for world peace. Memorials preferred to World Citizen