Noriko Sakumura (age 25) married Willis Beers (82d Airborne) in 1954, took his name and left Japan to make their place in Bismarck, North Dakota, where she bore David. In a year, they moved to Minneapolis, where she bore Dale, Tom and Keiko. Noriko learned to speak English mostly through Christian church services. By listening to Rev. Billy Graham on the radio and reciting Bible (KJV) passages prearranged by her pastor, she improved her pronunciation. Brokenness turned into proficiency, then fluency. Reading the Old Testament, she discovered and admired Ruth, an exile in a strange new world. On June 5, 2024, Noriko (Nori) left this place. She had a stroke. From bed, she said goodbye to each gathered around her. Speechless, she peacefully clasped each hand and smiled. She held the hand of and smiled on month-old, great-granddaughter, Penelope. She rejoined Willis and David, and left here Dale, Tom, and Keiko; her son- and daughter- in-law John, and Susie; grandchildren Hannah, Grace, and Sam; and great-grandchildren Hudson, Simon, Jack, and Penelope. Goodbye, Mom. Most of all, we will miss the soft flutter of your laughter.