Miller, Larry Lee passed away on March 25, at his home in Fallbrook, California. The son of Byron and Margie Miller, he was born in Waterloo, Iowa, on June 29, 1939. Dr. Miller was professor emeritus and an Institute of Technology Distinguished Professor of Chemistry at the University of Minnesota. He was an exceptional undergraduate lecturer, earning praise from students, and the recipient of a Horace T. Morris award for Outstanding Contributions to Undergraduate Education. He was an innovative teacher and the creator of many Freshman Seminars, most notably "The Color Red". Dr. Miller mentored graduate students, more than 40 Ph.D. candidates, and had special relationships with his 40 plus Post - Doctoral Fellows. Dr. Miller served as a Chemistry Department Chairman, working hard to create a stronger Chemistry department. He published more than 200 research papers in the fields of organic chemistry and electrochemistry. He won several national and international awards, notably a John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship. Larry is survived by his wife Bobbie (Rush); sons, Douglass and John Timothy Miller; grandchildren, Natalie White and Dr. John Robin Miller; sister Marilyn Burdett; stepchildren, Tomer Kariv, Irit Kolber, Jacob Rush, Alex Rush, Nicholas Rush; 8 great- grandchildren; and many beloved nieces and nephews. Larry lived a life full of ideas, laughter, empathy, and a love of art and life long learning. He will be missed.