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Comic Reggie Brown, brought in as an Obama impersonator at this weekend's Republican Leadership Conference in New Orleans, just managed to get in a few words about Minnesotans Tim Pawlenty and Michele Bachmann before he got the hook. Apparently deciding that the moment called for a little roasting of the GOP contenders, Brown got mixed reactions from the Republican activists with these lines: "It's unfortunate that Tim Pawlenty couldn't make it here, but cut him some slack. He's having his foot surgically removed from his mouth…" Brown said in his skit. "Oh no, don't worry. Luckily for him, it's covered under Obamneycare… So, that along with spinal transplants…" When Brown brought up Bachmann, the crowd responded with a cheer. "What can I say about Michele Bachmann that she hasn't already said about herself," said Brown, just before he was helped off the stage. Here's how it ended:
