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Former U.S. Sen. Norm Coleman, a Republican, said late Sunday that he would not run for governor.

Here's his full statement, posted to his Facebook page:

I love Minnesota and I love public service, but this is not the right time for me and my family to conduct a campaign for Governor.

Timing is everything. The timing on this race is both a bit too soon and a bit too late. It is too soon after my last race and too late to do a proper job of seeking the support of delegates who will decide in which direction our party should go. The commitments I have to my family and the work I am currently engaged in do not allow me to now go forward.

At the moment, I am tremendously energized by the work I am currently involved in to create a positive, center right agenda for this country. Anger on the left and anger on the right will get us nowhere. In Minnesota, we face a jobs deficit, a budget deficit and a bipartisanship deficit. We must all put aside the bitterness and sniping and remember that behind every job loss and every home foreclosure is a Minnesota family losing hope and confidence.

I think I can be part of recreating a more civil and respectful politics, a politics that better expresses the will of the vast majority of people. I will continue my efforts to work with Republicans, Independents and moderate, common sense Democrats across the country to advance the values of fiscal responsibility, entrepreneurship, effective government change, national security and respect for life. That's where America is philosophically and we need well-thought-out policies that express it.

My thanks to the many folks who encouraged me to run, but I've learned there are lots of ways to serve without an official position. Dr. King said everyone can be great because everyone can serve. We all need to seek out how our service can do the most good, and at this moment in my life, I've found mine.

Thanks. God bless you.

State Rep. Marty Seifert, a leading Republican candidate for governor, reacted to Coleman's announcement quickly. He said in a statement:

Norm Coleman has served the people of Minnesota with great distinction for over three decades. Our state is stronger because of Norm's selfless dedication to public service. It is clear that Norm will continue to make great contributions to Minnesota and the country with his new endeavor. I look forward to working with Norm on addressing the challenges facing our great state. I wish Norm, Laurie, and his children all the best in the future.

State Rep. Laura Brod, a New Prague Republican, also posted a statement to her Facebook page. Politics in Minnesota had reported rumors that if Coleman ran she would have been his running mate. Brod also considered a run for governor herself last summer.

Here's her statement:

I have great respect and admiration for who Norm Coleman is and what he has done for Minnesota. As a Senator, no one worked harder to protect our country in dangerous times and I thank Senator Coleman for all his work and constant dedication to public service throughout the years.

As the Mayor of Saint Paul, he brought people together to get things done, and in so doing brought about an economic renaissance. At a time when people are looking for real solutions to difficult problems, we need people like Norm Coleman. Although Norm has decided not to run to be the governor of our state, he is for many of us Minnesota's Mayor.

His love for our great state is clear and I am confident that he will have an important role in moving big ideas and a positive vision forward in both the short and long term. As a Republican, I'm glad Norm will be there to help our party bring together all of the new voices, and old voices. We need Norm to help us champion a common sense majority to design and communicate real solutions to the difficult challenges our state and our country will face in the years ahead. I, along with thousands of Republicans across the state look forward to working with Norm in this effort.