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Town Hall Brewery is partnering with ESPN 1500 to fight prostate cancer in the month of November. Here is how it works. Go in to any Town Hall location with a clean face and donate $10. In return you will get a card that permits you $2 pints at any location (must present card) all month long as long as you don't shave.

If you can't grow a beard you can always donate $10 and get a free pint at any location. Then at the end of November you will have a chance to compete for prizes if you are still sporting that nice foam catcher.

One has to wonder if Town Hall brewer Mike Hoops is participating. He was looking a bit grizzly last time I saw him but that was a couple weeks ago. I do know that owner Pete Rifakes is participating and he was looking quite baby faced in a recent photo.

The ESPN 1500 crew is also participating and it will be interesting to see my two favorite sports writers and radio personalities Reusse and Judd grow beards. Twins closer and now homebrewer Glen Perkins is also participating and here's to hoping for another fabulous neck beard. You can follow their progress here.

Happy beard growing!
