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A series of Gallup polls have found no sign that the Republican National Convention provided a bounce in support for presidential nominee Mitt Romney. The contest between President Obama and Romney remained stuck in the days following the convention, according to Gallup daily tracking polls running through Saturday.

Party nominees usually receive a bounce in support after national political conventions and the extended case for their campaigns made in the televised proceedings. Romney's speech at his party's convention also received low marks from the public. Only 38 percent rated his speech good or excellent, the lowest favorable response to any of the eight acceptance speeches that Gallup has tested since Republican Bob Dole was nominated in 1996, according to a poll that the research group released Monday.



Romney has a slim edge in North Carolina over Obama, according to a new poll of likely voters in the state. Romney's 47-43 percent lead over Obama, in a poll from Elon University for the Charlotte Observer, is a slight improvement from other recent polls showing an almost even race. The Elon poll, conducted Aug. 25-30, spanned the days of the Republican convention in Tampa and shows a slight tilt to Romney. But other polls just before the GOP convention and since show a narrower race.



Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan is calling former President Jimmy Carter's leadership "the good old days" compared with the last four years under Obama. The Wisconsin congressman campaigned Monday at East Carolina University in Greenville, about 230 miles east of where thousands of Democrats were gathering at that party's national convention. Ryan says voters will hear a lot of words from Democrats in Charlotte this week. But he says they won't hear evidence of how the nation is better off under Obama's leadership.



Obama campaigned in Ohio, and Vice President Joe Biden took his Labor Day message to Detroit.

Obama said that his "bet" on America's auto industry is paying off and that letting "Detroit go bankrupt" would have led to another Great Depression, drawing attention at a Labor Day rally in Ohio to Romney's opposition to the rescue.

"If we had turned our backs on you, if America had thrown in the towel like that, GM and Chrysler wouldn't exist today," Obama told a crowd of more than 3,000 in Toledo, emphasizing that he led the 2009 auto rescue of the two U.S. automakers.

Biden told about 3,500 supporters in Detroit that the Republican ticket would roll back collective bargaining rights, denigrate their work and undermine the slow economic recovery.



What will America be watching on TV Wednesday night -- Bill Clinton in Charlotte, N.C., or Eli Manning in East Rutherford, N.J.?

The former president is slated to be the prime-time speaker that night. But as the relevance of political conventions has waned, some are wondering whether another stemwinder from the famously loquacious Arkansan can top the Giants quarterback and the NFL season opener against the Dallas Cowboys.

Obama and Biden will accept their party's nominations the following evening in prime time. But NBC is skipping the convention Wednesday in favor of gridiron coverage.