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Movies opening this week


The Good Dinosaur (PG) Pixar's latest ponders a world where that big asteroid never hit Earth, allowing dinosaurs to live side by side with humans.

Creed (PG-13) Sylvester Stallone steps into the role of Rocky Balboa once again, this time training Apollo Creed's son, Adonis, to become a champion fighter.

Victor Frankenstein (PG-13) James McAvoy is scientist Victor Frankenstein, toying with immortality, and Daniel Radcliffe is Igor, trying to save his mentor from an experiment gone wrong.

Legend (R) The true story of London's twin gangsters, Reggie and Ron Kray, both played by Tom Hardy.


Heart of the Dog (unrated) Laurie Anderson's documentary is a meditation on memory, post-9/ 11 surveillance, language and her late dog.