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*Updating with additional statements throughout the day from politiicans

WASHINGTON -- Minnesota politicians weighed in on the Supreme Court decision Thursday upholding that federal subsidies under the Affordable Care Act are legal.

Sen. Al Franken: "We know that the Affordable Care Act is working: people with pre-existing conditions can't be denied coverage, women can't be charged more than men for health insurance, young Americans can stay on their parents' insurance plans until they're 26, and there's no more cap on lifetime and annual limits."

Sen. Amy Klobuchar: "Millions of Americans can breathe a little easier today knowing that the health care they count on has been affirmed by the highest court in the land."

Rep. Tim Walz, Democrat: "While the law is not perfect, it is working; more Americans have health insurance today than ever before ... Health care reform is a journey, not a destination. As we move forward, there will likely need to be improvements and changes to the law along the way."

Rep. John Kline, Republican: "Today's decision does not change the fact that the law is fundamentally flawed, and it doesn't change our resolve to repeal it. Our nation desperately needs a patient-centered health care system, one that provides working families and employers more choices, greater flexibility and affordable coverage."

Rep. Keith Ellison, Democrat: "The ruling means kids won't miss checkups, seniors will get the medicine they need, and Americans won't break the bank by going to the hospital when they get sick. The Republican effort to take affordable health care away from American families is done. It's time for us to work together to ensure more Americans can afford the care they need."

Rep. Erik Paulsen, Republican: "We still need better patient-centered solutions to help families that face barriers in accessing affordable, quality care."