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This must be torture for Beatles fans:

That's right: they were close to doing it, but it never quite happened. Everyone says it would have been anticlimactic and disappointing; the individual's post-Beatles work was never as great as the stuff they did together, but the divergent personalities couldn't produce the sort of collaborative work required to be The Beatles. Right? I mean, that's standard wisdom. Same with any group. They occupy a certain collective wavelength for a while, and when it stops transmitting, that's it. You either quit or consign yourself to a lifetime of Mystic Lake appearances.

Still, if I'd been a Beatle, I would have gotten together in secret to put together some songs, just in case you needed the money down the road, or in case Ringo blew everything he made. They could release a "99 Bottles of Beer" on the wall played with a tissue and a comb, and it would make a billion dollars. More after they released the remastered version.