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local bestsellers


1. "The Help," by Kathryn Stockett ($24.95, Putnam)

2. "Shadow Tag," by Louise Erdrich ($25.99, Harper)

3. "The Lost Symbol," by Dan Brown ($29.95, Doubleday)

4. "Worst Case," by James Patterson and Michael Ledwidge ($27.99, Little, Brown and Co.)

5. "The Man From Beijing," by Henning Mankell ($25.95, Knopf)


1. "Game Change," by John Heilemann and Mark Halperin ($27.99, Harper)

2. "Eating Animals," by Jonathan Safran Foer ($25.99, Little, Brown & Co.)

3. "Have a Little Faith," by Mitch Albom ($23.99, Hyperion)

4. "Just Kids," by Patti Smith ($27, Ecco)

5. "Drive," by Daniel H. Pink ($26.95, Riverhead)