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Red Wing Fire Chief Mike Warner had no idea he'd get emails from Europe over a simple online video.

Warner's crew and city staff came together earlier this month to shoot a choreographed Christmas lights show video matching fire truck lights to the beat of Trans-Siberian Orchestra's version of "Carol of the Bells," something local firefighters saw other departments doing last year.

Red Wing's video went viral after posting last week on Facebook, garnering over 4 million views, hundreds of thousands of likes and comments and shares from around the globe.

"I was absolutely amazed to see the good power of social media," Warner said.

Fire departments around the U.S. have put out similar videos in recent years as a positive way to interact with their communities. Warner said it also helps remind people to stay safe during the holidays — make sure you have working smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors in case Christmas dinner gets out of hand.

But the recent attention in Red Wing floored Warner and local firefighters, who spent a recent evening flicking truck lights and sirens on and off so city staff could edit the video together.

Red Wing inspired the Fire Department in Wyoming, Minn., to get in on the action. Wyoming's public safety officials are no strangers to social media and local firefighters thought they could get creative with the help of a local video company.

Wyoming firefighters spent a bit of time practicing over two days before shooting the video set to Trans-Siberian Orchestra's "Wizards of Winter" last week.

Fire Chief Jesse Milligan corrected the record on at least one vital holiday fact surrounding Wyoming's video, which it titled "A Beacon of Cheer": It was not shot live in sync with the music, contrary to one commenter's claim that firefighters had practiced the choreography since July.

"I don't think even if we had been practicing ... that we would get that perfect of timing," Milligan said. "I don't think the trucks would cooperate quite like that."

Instead they left it to the video company, Raven Realm Media, which spliced the footage in time to the music. The video has 43,000 views on Facebook — and counting.

It's unclear whether the fire departments will revive their Christmas lights shows next year, though both Warner and Milligan say the positive social media interaction has them interested.

"If we are, we've already got a couple of plans in place to do something similar," Milligan said, "but maybe with a different backdrop."