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From later Friday into Saturday, it's going to snow like crazy in Virginia,Maryland, Delaware and southern New Jersey, where snow accumulations couldeasily reach 10 or 12 inches. This will cause a serious disruption of all formsof travel through the region, including big delays at the major airports inWashington, Baltimore and Philadelphia.The worst of the storm may stay south of New York City and New England, butthat is not a given at this time. This is going to be a very strong storm, andsometimes these things manage to get farther north than what computer modelsmight suggest. It would be no surprise if heavy snow managed to get into NewYork and southern New England on Saturday. This we will watch very closely.

To the north and west from north central Pennsylvania back across the OhioValley snowfall will definitely be lighter, probably no more than a coupleinches.

Story By Senior Meteorologist John Kocet.