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Republican donor Stanley Hubbard said he and his family were uninvolved with his television stations decision to pull an anti-Stewart Mills ad.

"I heard someone accused the Hubbards of being behind that decision. We had nothing to do with it," Hubbard told the Star Tribune.

Two Hubbard stations were the only ones to cede to the Mills campaign request that stations stop airing the television ad from the Democratic House Majority PAC and the AFSCME union. Other stations are still airing the spot.

Although Hubbard and his family have personally supported Mills financially, he said that decision was out of his purview.

"Our legal department received the complaint, and they inspected the ad, and felt that there were things in it that were out of context and not true. Tell the truth and you'll have no trouble with us," Hubbard said. "Our stations do not get involved in politics, period."

Patrick Condon contributed to this report