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Hidden just off of Highway 5 in St. Paul is Flat Earth Brewing Company. The beer here is certainly not flat and anyone who has had a Northwest Passage IPA knows that they don't cut corners. Established in 2007, Flat Earth has embedded their great tasting and fashionably dressed beers here in the Twin Cities. The labels are quite interesting; often depicting space-like objects that match the unique names they choose for each different beer they brew. One that stands out is the Cygnus X-1 Porter which is adorned with a spiral galaxy. It's a great tasting beer that warms the soul on a cold evening (think bonfire in late fall) and would pair well with a rich and hearty stew. Angry Planet is sure to please anyone in search of a hoppy Pale Ale. This beer pairs well with spicy or fried dishes due to the citrusy presence of Cascade hops. One look at our enraged planet on this label reminds you that this beer is not for those who shy away from our favorite flower. Here are some other varieties that are also available: · Northwest Passage Ale (standard) · Bermuda Triangle Tripel (seasonal) · Black Helicopter Coffee Stout (seasonal) · Element 115 Lager (seasonal) · Extra Medium Ale (seasonal) · Ovni Ale (seasonal) · Rode Haring Flounders Red Ale (seasonal) · Winter Warlock (seasonal) You can find these fine beers at many bars and liquor stores in the Twin Cities including some MGM locations. Growlers are for sale at the brewery Monday–Friday from noon to 6:30 p.m., and on Saturday from noon to 3:00 p.m. Small breweries such as Flat Earth give consumers a choice in their beer and it's good to see the rate at which the Craft Beer world is growing. The Brewers Association is reporting that Craft Beer sales are up 14% for the first half of the year and that is something to celebrate. Cheers!