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Q I have nearly been driven crazy for the past several months by a type of flying insect I have never seen before. They are smaller than fruit flies, and I would call them no-see-ums, except I can see them.

They seem attracted to me, not to food. If I sit down at the computer, they flit rapidly back and forth in front of my face, and I swear they try to get up my nose. They follow me into the bedroom, and bite me when I'm reading in bed and, on occasion, follow me into the bathroom. Only once in a while do I see them in the kitchen.

I usually don't see more than one at a time. I have no idea where they hang out, or what they eat. I have found them drowned in leftover beverages, at times, so have taken to leaving glasses with water and a little soap, wine or coffee standing around, which has caught a few. I've been able to smash a few with my book when reading. But I cannot get rid of them and am at my wits' end.

I am thinking I'll have to fumigate. They move so fast and seem to come out of nowhere, so it'd be difficult for me to use a spray on them. Can you help?

A You are being tormented, all right, but by what, I do not know. Your description brings no culprit to mind for extension entomologist Jeff Hahn, either.

But you don't have to live with the little devils. The first step to getting rid of them, according to Hahn, is proper identification.

"Once you know what they are, then it is easier to understand their habits and the best ways to control them."

You'll need a sample, preferably one not made unrecognizable by being smashed with a book. He suggests you contact your local county extension office for help.

Meanwhile, do not use any insecticides. You cannot get rid of these insects with general insecticide sprays, Hahn said. Once you know what the insect is, you can target them where they are most vulnerable, and successfully eliminate them.

Send your questions to Fixit in care of the Star Tribune, 425 Portland Av. S., Minneapolis, MN 55488, or call 612-673-7032, or e-mail