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Forget, for a moment, about Michele Bachmann. The Democratic National Committee (DNC) has put Minnesota Republican Erik Paulsen on their list of Republican targets in next year's elections, largely on the strength of Barack Obama's win in Paulsen's suburban Twin Cities district in 2008.

Paulsen, a freshman who took over the seat of former boss Jim Ramstad, generally doesn't get mentioned as Democratic cannon fodder. But he's the only one of three GOP House members from Minnesota on the DNC list, which was put out today, in the wake of the big health care vote in the House Saturday night.

All three Minnesota Republicans -- Reps. John Kline, Paulsen and Bachmann -- voted against the Democratic health reform overhaul (As did Blue Dog Democrat Collin Peterson).

Of course, Bachmann's the one Minnesota Republican the DNC would really like to get. But any one will do. And besides, Bachmann's district didn't fall to Obama. So we'll see.

Update: Monday evening response from Paulsen Communications Director Luke Friedrich: "Considering that the constituents we've heard from have been overwhelmingly against this health care plan, the DNC may be better off worrying about members of their own party who voted for this misguided bill."