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Longtime DFL politico Matt Entenza's surprise primary challenge of two-term auditor Rebecca Otto continues to shake up politics.

On Thursday, the last day to withdraw his name from the August ballot, Entenza said he had no intention of quitting the race he entered on Tuesday afternoon, the last day to enter the race.

Standing near a Capitol statute of former mayor turned senator turned vice president Hubert Humphrey, Entenza noted that Humphrey was told to be quiet in his time. Entenza demurred as to whether he was comparing himself to the much lauded Humphrey.

Late Wednesday, Entenza had also announced that Democratic U.S. Rep. Keith Ellison had separated from the pack of DFLers supporting Otto to endorse him.

Meanwhile, Republicans sought to capitalized on the DFL skirmish.

Republican auditor candidate Randy Gilbert said in a statement: "With today's announcement by former House Minority Leader Matt Entenza that he will continue with his challenge to incumbent State Auditor Rebecca Otto in the Primary Election, one thing is very clear: neither Republicans nor Democrats are pleased with the job Rebecca Otto has done as State Auditor."

Stewart Mills, a Republican running against Democratic U.S. Rep. Rick Nolan in northern Minnesota, also succeeded in getting a piece of the auditor action.

"Once again Rick Nolan shows how out of touch he and the DFL are," he said in a statement. "Rebecca Otto is the most anti-mining statewide elected official but Rick Nolan fell right in behind her, putting party over the good of the Iron Range. The bottom line is you can't say you support mining and support Rebecca Otto."