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As part of a Democratic campaign running in several states, the DFL Monday tagged Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney as a flip flopper.

"Mitt Romney can't even take a position on taking a position," DFL chair Ken Martin said Monday after playing a four-minute "Mitt v. Mitt" Democratic National Committee video.

Martin said Romney, like former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, was hard to pin down on anything. Although, he said he was diametrically opposed to her on politics, Martin praised Republican Congresswoman Michele Bachmann for at least being honest and consistent. That's a quality, he said, she shared with late Democratic U.S. Sen. Paul Wellstone.

The DNC video's point is that Romney, the sporadic front-runner in the Republican presidential contest, has been on both sides of the big issues of the day. It's an attack that has long dogged the former Mass. governor.

The DNC also released paid anti-Romney ads in six other states, including Wisconsin. The paid ads will not be running in Minnesota, where Obama's popularity has actually held up better than in other areas.

In reaction, the Romney campaign trotted out a dozen conference calls to defend the former Massachusetts governor's record. Among those reacting: former Gov. Tim Pawlenty.

"The last thing they want to do is run against Mitt Romney," former presidential candidate Pawlenty said of the Democrats. "The strongest Republican candidate in the field to run against and defeat Barack Obama is Mitt Romney....they are purposely and systematically now trying to tear him down."

Although Pawlenty did not address the flip-flopping allegation, he shared a new description of the president.

"President Obama when it comes to the economy is really the Barney Fife of presidents," said Pawlenty.

For those too young to recall Fife, he was the bumbling Mayberry deputy sheriff on the 40-plus-year-old Andy Griffith show.

Here's a video of Fife in action: