Columnist | Digging In

Deb Brown is a garden writer and former extension horticulturist with the University of Minnesota. To ask her a question, call 612-673-9073 and leave a message. She will answer questions in her column.

Master gardener offers a master list of favorites

I've been writing gardening articles for the Star Tribune for more than 30 years. I think it's time to bow out. Rather than passing on any final words of wisdom, I'm going to share the names of a few of my favorite plants.

Get your garden ready for bed

It takes more than luck to give your ­garden a leg up. It takes action. Here are some things you can do this fall to prepare your yard and garden for winter — and next.

How to avoid downy mildew on impatiens

If impatiens will be making an appearance in your garden beds or containers this growing season, you should be on the alert for downy mildew disease.

Improve your garden by improving the soil

Having a good garden hinges on a lot of factors, but one thing that often gets overlooked but shouldn't is the soil.

Even if the snow melts, don't rake!

Raking won't make the snow melt. It won't thaw the ground. Or give the temperatures a boost. What will it do? "More harm than good," says one expert.

DIY holiday blooms

For holiday decorations or gifts, green thumbs love forcing bulbs.

Making your house a green house

Tips on keeping your houseplants healthy over the winter.

Give it up for the garden

From planting mulch to washing tools, there are plenty of things to do to get your yard and garden prepared for winter.

It's prime lawn care time

As garden chores wind down, you can turn your attention to improving your grass -- now and next spring.

A guide to watering in extreme heat

Don't wait until the soil is bone-dry and cracked. Find ways to continuously give your plants the water they need to stay healthy.