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The United States should move to block Russian admittance to the World Trade Organization (WTO) if Russia refuses to heed demands to withdraw troops from neighboring Georgia, Sen. Norm Coleman said Thursday.

While supporting President Bush's use of troops to provide humanitarian aid in Georgia, Coleman said, "I do not believe that there is a need for the mission to be expanded."

The GOP senator's Democratic rival in the upcoming election, Al Franken, said Thursday, "The size of the humanitarian mission should depend on circumstances on the ground, but I think it's important to keep in mind just how unwise it would be for us to get into a confrontation with a major nuclear power."

Franken also raised the prospect of using Russia's desire to join the WTO as leverage in any diplomatic negotiations.

Russia on Thursday refused Bush's demand for an immediate withdrawal from Georgia and continued to support two breakaway enclaves in that nation.

Russia has sought membership in the WTO, which would boost the nation's international standing and allow it to participate in settling trade disputes between governments.

Coleman, a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, also called for "intense and forceful diplomacy," with the U.S. pushing for United Nations resolutions condemning Russia and supporting Georgia.

Coleman said Russian actions in Georgia are another reason for the United States to reject the nuclear cooperation agreement with that nation.

With Defense Secretary Robert Gates having ruled out U.S. military force, Coleman's emphasis on diplomacy is consistent with the Bush administration's effort to bring international pressure on Russia to encourage it to withdraw from Georgia.

Similarly, Franken said, "I don't believe we have a military option in Georgia. Now is the time for cool heads to prevail and to engage in diplomacy." Franken said the United States should consider recalling its ambassador to Russia and reconsider whether it supports the International Olympic Committee's decision to award Russia the 2014 Winter Games. Pat Doyle • 651-222-1210