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State Fairgoers sure asked Fox 9 anchor Kelcey Carlson interesting questions.

This was Carlson's first Minnesota State Fair, and she approached it with her usual investigative-reporter seriousness. She studied the information fair officials provide media, as though there would be an exam. I included frames of her doing this in my startribune.com/video about Voice of the Vikings Paul Allen finally treating his instrument with some respect by no longer smoking.

One fairgoer told Carlson, a superfit marathon runner, that she looked taller in person. That was funny, but not as hysterical as the one thing Carlson said she would like to change about TV cameras. People wanted to know:

Q: How many miles do you run in a week?

A: 45 or 50.

Q: You're a woman for whom this is not a rude question: How much do you weigh?

A: I'm not gonna say!

Q: You came from North Carolina? asked a man.

A: Indiana originally, Carlson told the man. I worked 5 ½ years in Michigan before I went to North Carolina and was stuck out on the side of the road every time there was a big snowstorm.

Q: Have you ever gone out in subzero temperatures and had your nasal hairs freeze in two seconds? the man asked.

A: I trained for the Boston Marathon [which she has run multiple times] in Western Michigan and I remember pulling icicles off my eyelashes.

Q: Give me the names of your broadcasting idols at NBC, CBS and ABC. [This was asked by a cute little boy who said his name was Toby, spelling unconfirmed.]

A: NBC has the peacock. I like that peacock a lot. Actually, at NBC I always liked Jane Pauley a lot. She was way before your time. [Pauley, by the way, is now a "CBS Sunday Morning" contributor.] CBS: I like Charlie Rose. ABC: I always loved Peter Jennings.

Q: Would you like a Jucy Lucy or something healthier? [asked the little girl who said her name was Molly, spelling unconfirmed.]

Q: What would you recommend? [Carlson asked her.]

A: Something healthier, the girl said. [Carlson replied she'd like to try the Jell-O ice cream].

Q: When was the last time you had an interview that made you nervous?

A: About five minutes ago. A guy came up and started asking me a lot of questions about being cold. But you're not making me nervous.

Q: What's the cutest remark one of your sons made as he came to realize Mommy's on TV?

A: [Laughter] Oh, gosh. I'm not sure they really realize that yet. Oh, I know. I came home one time and there was a promo on the air and my 3-year-old looked at me and said, Hey, that's you! How'd you get in there? [Now he thinks] that's what everybody does [for a living].

Q: What world leader would you like for one of those 5-minute interviews officials love to give newspeople?

A: So many. Vladimir Putin, would be an interesting guy to sit down with trying to get inside of his head. A lot of past world leaders I'd like to have talked to, too.

Q: Are you strong enough to lift [co-anchor] Jeff Passolt off the floor?

A: I think so. He's lighter than he looks. You want me to try? [Passolt wasn't willing, saying he would hurt Carlson's back.]

Q: Do you have a disguise for when you want to go out and not be recognized?

A: No. I don't get recognized that often. I think I look like just about every other [person].

Q: What is the one thing you would change about TV news if you could do so by snapping your fingers?

A: I would make the cameras make us all look a lot slimmer. How come in this day and age that can't happen?

A: You're kidding me. You've got to be joking [said Danielle, who asked the question.

Interviews are edited. To contact C.J. try cj@startribune.com and to see her watch FOX 9's "Buzz."