Liz Reyer
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Q I'm employed, but I think I ought to be networking more. I'm enthusiastic about it, but my time and energy are limited. Any suggestions?

A To develop a good network, use approaches that you enjoy and form relationships with people you respect.

The inner game

Networking is really pretty simple. At its essence, it's just getting to know more people in a wider sphere than you would otherwise encounter. It's to your advantage to figure out where to focus and what'll fit your style the best.

Who would you like to know -- and why? These may be specific individuals, people in certain industries, or in selected roles across industries. For example, you may want to meet HR people in manufacturing. Or, you may want to meet Jane Smith. Be clear about your goals.

How do you like to meet people? Many people equate networking with going to big meetings and meeting lots of people. This is an effective approach for some, but isn't the only option. You can also be an effective networker using other approaches.

Look at what you have to offer others. When you think about networking as establishing relationships, it becomes clear that it's a two-way street. Be generous with others in terms of your time and attention so that they'll support you, too.

Then, consider what might get in the way. You mention limited time and energy. While that's undoubtedly realistic, these are also handy excuses if something else is holding you back. You may have some anxiety and fear of rejection. Or, you may see networking as something you "should" do, rather than something you really believe is valuable. Understand these potential barriers so they don't limit your success.

The outer game

Develop a plan and action steps to achieve it. Try drawing a spider web of your networking goals. Putting yourself in the center, move outward to add people with whom you're in touch, people with whom you could reconnect, and organizations you're involved in. These are the easiest places to start.

For each, ask yourself, "What would I like to do to be more connected?" You may want to attend more meetings of a local organization (professional or otherwise). Decide how many more, and what you want to accomplish in terms of engaging with people there. Be realistic about your personal introversion or extroversion level so that you set appropriate goals. Or you may want to have more one-on-one get-togethers. How many lunches, breakfasts, or happy hours do you mean? Know whether you mean two a month or 10 a month, and plan accordingly.

Then extend the web to others you'd like to meet. You may have some ideas already, but consciously build this by asking your existing contacts if there are others they'd suggest you meet. If possible, ask them to make an introduction. Be willing to reciprocate, helping others with their network building.

Monitor your progress. Notice what activities energize you and which ones wear you out. Track your progress, and reward milestones with something meaningful to you.

The last word

Finding ways you enjoy to build connections with people will yield a robust network.

What challenges do you face at work? Send your questions to Liz Reyer, a credentialed coach and president of Reyer Coaching & Consulting in Eagan. She can be reached at or 651-398-4765. Questions also can be submitted at