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By Baird Helgeson

U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann will speak at a Minnesota Capitol rally Monday in support of Gov. Tim Pawlenty's proposed spending cap amendment to the state constitution.

"We need to rein in spending at all levels of government," she said in a statement. The rally "will be a great event for Minnesotans who want to keep St. Paul's big spending liberals in check."

Other prominent state Republicans will join Bachmann, including state Rep. Paul Kohls, Sen. Amy Koch and party chairman Tony Sutton.

"We're thrilled Congresswoman Bachmann will be speaking at our rally in support of Governor Pawlenty's Spending Accountability Amendment," Sutton said. "She is a true champion of the taxpayer and a one-of-a-kind of speaker who gets our grassroots energized."

He described Bachmann as one of the "nation's leading voices for lower taxes, limited government and reform."

Pawlenty's plan would require future state leaders to limit spending to the amount of revenue taken in during the previous biennium. State leaders currently do their budgeting using forecasts that make assumptions about future revenue, expenses and other economic factors. The forecasts are usually off by a bit, creating surpluses and deficits.

DFL Senate Majority Leader Larry Pogemiller and Tax Chairman Tom Bakk have said they are not sure Pawlenty lived up to its goals himself. Other Democrats have criticized the Republican governor -- who is not running for another term -- for proposing a change he won't have to live with.

Pawlenty's idea still has a few hurdles to get over.Lawmakers first need to agree to place it on the ballot and then voters would have to approve it before it becomes law.